
Thursday, February 3, 2011

2011 Model Car – All Modification Cars 2011

With fall approaching, many car dealers are beginning to role out their 2011 models. Automakers have been releasing new models of cars in the fall since the 1930′s. While in today’s era carmakers sometimes release cars at other points in the year, September still marks the official beginning of the automotive new year. Still, many dealers still have plenty 2010 models in stock. So, this begs the question: should you buy a 2010 or 2011 model?

Honda Civic Modification

Why you should get a 2011 car? That 2010 new car is a year old the moment you drive it off the lot. It does not matter that you did not drive it that much. If you are the type that likes to trade your car every few year, you could loose a bundle on depreciation. Worse yet, if the 2011 model is a complete new redesign, then your 2010 is likely to depreciate even faster. Also, if the car has been redesigned, then you are likely to miss out on a lot of new features.